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Business VoIP Solution

5G Voip

In order for mobile real-time communication to be widely used for the benefit of the global economy, 5G will become the de facto standard and offer a reliable mobile network. But why is this time different? The solution is simple. The most responsive mobile network ever built by humans, 5G Voip is more than just another network and will foster innovation. The only mobile network that can scale into the future, with more mobile devices in use than ever before, is 5G.

Let’s dive into it.

Network Latency Is 5G’s Biggest Advantage

The amount of time it takes a device to communicate with the network is referred to as network latency. You don’t realize latency exists until it causes an issue. When latency is high, it takes longer for your device to transmit your commands to the network. High latency can cause disconnected or low-quality audio and video calls, video buffering, and other issues. 5G Voip can offer a solution to this problem!

The Specs of 4G, LTE, and 5G

Around 16 ms is the typical LTE round-trip latency. In contrast, 5G will provide a latency of approximately 9ms. Devices that rely on networks will thrive in environments with low latencies.

Radio frequencies are used by mobile networks to broadcast. While 3G operated between 400 MHz and 3 GHz, current 4G networks broadcast at frequencies below 6 GHz.

In comparison to present 4G networks, 5G Voip networks will transmit between 30 to 300 GHz at a rate of more than 20 times quicker. For the typical user, this is the same as carrying around a fiber optic internet connection that can connect to the network more quickly than ever.

Why Does Network Latency Matter in VoIP Technologies?

VoIP, the cloud, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have transformed the way we communicate, share data, and connect. Every action we take, from making a video call to uploading a photo, puts a strain on our mobile networks.

During periods of high usage, 4G networks lack the architecture to prioritize packets. Latencies increase as the network becomes congested, limiting your ability to interact with it. This can cause stuttering, skipping, and call drop-offs when making a voice or video call.

Quality of Service (QoS) & 5G VoIP

QoS is as important for VoIP technologies as it is for anything else, but when it comes to communications, perfect isn’t good enough. 5G Voip promises massive QoS improvements over current 4G networks. These enhancements include:

Network slicing, defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as the process of allocating “the network computing, storage, and communication resources among the active services with the goal of ensuring their isolation and given performance levels,” is another critical feature of 5G Voip.

The 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) architecture is built on three network categories:

The solution to common QoS VoIP issues is network slicing. A network must provide low latency and enough bandwidth to transmit relevant data between the two parties communicating in order to ensure high-quality VoIP communications. uRLLC will accomplish this by ensuring that VoIP services have access to the resources they require.