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Equipment Rental Agreement

Equipment Rental Agreement

CLI Secure Ltd T/A CLI Secure or VoIPinger Phone Lease Program and Rental Agreement (“Rental Agreement”).

CLI Secure ’s Phone Rental/Lease Program is available to those customers who have entered into a contract for the purchase of CLI Secure VoIP-active plan, through a VoIP-active Plan Purchase Agreement with a minimum Initial Term of at least thirty-six (36) months and a Renewal Term of at least twelve (12) months. For clarification, the Rental Agreement must be coterminous with the CLI Secure Voip-active Plan Purchase Agreement and for an Initial Term of at least thirty-six (36) months, and the customer must enter into the Rental Agreement at the same time as the Start Date of the CLI Secure VoIP-active Plan Purchase Agreement. This Phone Rental/Lease Program is offered and available to United Kingdom businesses only.

This Rental Agreement, when entered into, will form part of the CLI Secure VoIP-active Plan Purchase Agreement, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference, including, without limitation, all defined terms. This Rental Agreement is further subject to the general CLI Secure End User Licence Agreement and Terms of Service (the “General EULA,” available at the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. To the extent there is any conflict between the terms of the General EULA and this Rental Agreement, the applicable terms of this Rental Agreement shall govern.

Any capitalised terms not defined herein will have the same meaning as in the General EULA or the CLI Secure VoIP-active Plan Purchase Agreement, as applicable.

Rental Services
This Rental Agreement is for the rental of certain telephone hardware (each a “Rental Device”) from CLI Secure (collectively, the “Rental Services”). CLI Secure charges a recurring monthly fee for each Rental Device (collectively, the “Rental Fees”). As part of your recurring bill from CLI Secure, you agree to pay the Rental Fees for all Rental Devices, using the same payment method and payment period as your payments for CLI Secure Voip-active Rental Services, as defined in your CLI Secure Voip-active Purchase Agreement. CLI Secure will pro-rate the Rental Fees for any equipment that is rented, for the initial period from the start of the rental period until the end of the then-current billing period for the Voip-active Services, and the start of the rental will begin on the date a Rental Device is recorded as delivered by a designated courier (the “Rental Start Date”).

The Rental Services with respect to a Rental Device shall commence on the Rental Start Date and terminate upon the earliest to occur of: (a) either Party delivers thirty (30) days prior written notice of termination of this Rental Agreement to the other Party (with such termination date being at the end of the Office Services billing period in which the end of such 30 day period occurs); (b) the termination of the CLI Secure Voip-active Purchase Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, at any time within thirty (30) days after the Rental Start Date, you may terminate the Rental Services with respect to a Rental Device immediately upon written notice from you to CLI Secure, without paying any Rental Fees for such Rental Device.

Upon any termination of the Rental Agreement or Rental Services, you agree to return or purchase a Rental Device (including all accessories and materials that were provided with the primary hardware device) consistent with CLI Secure ’s written instructions and in accordance with the Return or Purchase Rights section of this Rental Agreement, and that Rental Device will no longer be considered a Rental Device upon the completion of a return or purchase. If you do not return a Rental Device (subject to CLI Secure ’s inspection and acceptance of the returned Rental Device in its reasonable discretion) within five (5) business days following the termination of the Rental Services for such Rental Device, you will be deemed to have purchased that device at a purchase price equal to: (1) during the first 12 months after you received the Rental Device, 100% of the Rental Device’s then-current CLI Secure list price shown on CLI Secure ’s web site; or (2) after such 12 month period, 80% of such list price, and you agree to pay the applicable purchase price.

If you wish to upgrade a Rental Device, the replacement of the current Rental Device shall be deemed a termination of the Rental Services with respect to the current Rental Device and be subject to the termination provisions hereof, including the return or purchase provisions for the Rental Device set forth in the Return or Purchase Rights section of this Rental Agreement; provided that the Rental Services for the current Rental Device shall be deemed to terminate, and the Rental Services of the replacement Rental Device shall commence, on the date the replacement Rental Device is recorded as delivered by a designated courier.

The Rental Fees for the Rental Services do not include additional services you may select, taxes, fees, international usage, and other additional services. Sales tax varies by jurisdiction of purchase or rental and may be calculated based on full retail price or CLI Secure cost price, as determined by the tax law in the jurisdiction of purchase or rental.

Rental Devices Ownership; Damage and Loss
CLI Secure is and will remain the owner of each Rental Device unless title is conveyed to you in writing following CLI Secure ’s confirmation to you of its receipt of your payment in full of the purchase price for the Rental Device. You will not grant any third party any right to use, possess, or control any Rental Device, sublease any Rental Device, attempt to dispose of any Rental Device, grant any interest or right in a Rental Device to any third party, or otherwise do anything that undermines CLI Secure’s ownership of each Rental Device. CLI Secure may, without notifying you, assign CLI Secure’s interest in any Rental Device, and in that event, CLI Secure’s assignee will have all of CLI Secure ’s rights in the Rental Device under this Rental Agreement, but none of CLI Secure’s obligations. You agree not to assert against CLI Secure ’s assignee any claims, offsets, or defences you may have against CLI Secure . Upon CLI Secure’s request, you will execute and deliver to CLI Secure any documents or forms for protecting CLI Secure’s ownership and interest in each Rental Device.

Upon receipt of each Rental Device, you will examine each Rental Device, and unless you notify CLI Secure within five (5) business days of your receipt of a Rental Device of any issue with a Rental Device, each Rental Device shall be deemed to be in good working order at the time of receipt. In the event that any Rental Device delivered to you is stolen, lost, damaged, or transferred to any third party, regardless of the circumstances or cause, you will immediately notify CLI Secure in writing and pay CLI Secure a purchase price equal to: (1) during the first 12 months after you received the Rental Device, 100% of the Rental Device’s then-current CLI Secure list price shown on CLI Secure ’s web site, or (2) after such 12 month period, 80% of such list price. This obligation does not apply to any damage to a Rental Device that is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

Rental Device Usage
You will ensure that: (a) each Rental Device will only be used in a careful and proper manner and in accordance with the written instructions provided with it by CLI Secure , as may be updated by CLI Secure or the manufacturer of the Rental Device from time to time; (b) each Rental Device will be used with due care and will not be defaced, modified, or used or operated in any manner or for any purpose in violation of any applicable law or regulation; (c) each Rental Device must remain within the United Kingdom and may not be exported or re-exported to any country contrary to UK or U.S. export laws; (d) any regulatory or certification markers affixed to a Rental Device may not be removed, defaced, or otherwise obstructed; and (e) each Rental Device will only be repaired subject to CLI Secure’s express written authorisation and in accordance with CLI Secure’s instructions and requirements.

Return or Purchase Rights

When you return a Rental Device, you agree to return a fully functional and non-damaged Rental Device to CLI Secure , at your risk and cost, and you agree that, to the extent that you do not do so, without prejudice to any other right or remedy which CLI Secure may possess at law or under this Rental Agreement, you will be liable to pay CLI Secure a twenty-five pounds sterling (£25.00) re-stocking fee, which sum the parties confirm represents a genuine pre-estimate of CLI Secure’s loss. You agree to pay all shipping and handling charges related to any Rental Device and related hardware returns.

All Rental Devices and related hardware must be fully functional, include all components, manuals, peripheral devices, and all other accessories that were originally shipped with the Rental Device. At our discretion and without prejudice to any other right or remedy which CLI Secure may possess at law or under this Rental Agreement, we may decline your return or charge you an additional fee of twenty pounds sterling (£20.00) for each missing item or for each item that we determine is damaged or not in good working condition, which sum the parties confirm represents a genuine pre-estimate of CLI Secure’s loss.

Before returning any Rental Device or hardware that has data in its memory, please transfer all files you wish to retain to another file source. Once the hardware is returned: (i) we or our Affiliates or nominees may (but shall not be obligated to) delete or destroy such files; (ii) your files cannot be recovered; and (iii) you release us and our Affiliates of any liability for any lost, disseminated, disclosed, damaged, or destroyed files, data, or other information.

You may purchase a Rental Device at any time following 24 months from the date you received the Rental Device. You agree to purchase the Rental Device for 80% of the Rental Device’s then-current CLI Secure list price shown on CLI Secure ’s web site.

Other Remedies
If you are obligated to return or purchase a Rental Device subject to this Return or Purchase Rights section of this Rental Agreement, and you have not returned a Rental Device or you have defaulted in any obligation to pay the purchase price due for a Rental Device to be purchased, CLI Secure may, in addition to those remedies available at law, in equity, or as otherwise set forth in this Rental Agreement, take possession of any or all Rental Devices without demand, notice, or legal process, wherever each Rental Device may be located, and you hereby waive any and all damages occasioned by that taking of possession.

Warranty Disclaimer
Each Rental Device and any telephone hardware purchased in connection with this Rental Agreement is provided “as is” and “as available” and CLI Secure makes no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any similar warranty, whether said warranty arises under English law or the laws of any other country. CLI Secure makes no representations or warranties that any Rental Device will be delivered to you by a particular date or is free of rightful claims of any third party for infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property or other proprietary rights (including patent and trade secret rights).

Some jurisdictions do not permit the disclaimer of certain implied warranties, so certain of the foregoing disclaimers may not apply to you. To the extent that CLI Secure cannot disclaim any such warranty as a matter of applicable law, the scope and duration of such warranty will be the minimum permitted under such law.

General Terms
You authorise us to collect any payment owed by you hereunder from your payment method, as provided in your CLI Secure Voip-active Plan Purchase Agreement or the General EULA, as applicable. This Rental Agreement, which is subject to and incorporates by reference the CLI Secure Voip-active Plan Purchase Agreement, and the General EULA, constitutes the complete, final, and exclusive embodiment of the entire agreement between you and the Company regarding the Rental Services.

CLI Secure may, in its discretion, update or change the terms and conditions of this Rental Agreement, and the version of this Rental Agreement applicable to each Rental Device, is the version of this Rental Agreement then in effect at the start of the rental for that Rental Device, including the start of the rental for an upgrade Rental Device. This Phone Rental/Lease Program is offered and available to United Kingdom residents only. Customer must agree to a Service Commitment Period for CLI Secure Voip-active plan Services with an Initial Term of at least 36 months to be eligible to participate in the Phone Rental/Lease Program.