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Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement

CLI SECURE is committed to providing reliable, high quality telephony services. This document outlines targeted service availability levels and obligations of CLI SECURE to maintain those levels as described below.

Definitions and Scope
CLI SECURE Support – provided by CLI SECURE staff to the customer. Business hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm UK time (excludes Public Holidays) After hours emergency faults only: All hours not within Business hours coverage

This Service Level Agreement covers services provided directly by CLI SECURE. It is limited to the equipment, software and network infrastructure that CLI SECURE Telecom has direct control of. Services provided by third parties in relation to IP Telephony (e.g. internet supply, customer equipment etc.) are covered by the SLA of the respective third parties.

Reporting Faults
Customers of CLI SECURE can lodge faults directly with the support team.

Faults can be reported in three ways:

1. By open support ticket on
2. By calling CLI SECURE on 020 3355 1151 from your VoIP handset supplied by CLI SECURE
3. By sending an email to:

Issue Response Times

We will discuss any reported issue with you and assess its criticality. We define the following levels :


Standard Issues – an event that does not interfere with the core service such as a request for a repeat invoice or minor service configuration changes.

High Priority Issues – where your use of the service is seriously affected. This could be a single or small number of users unable to utilise a key feature.

Critical Issues – typically a major service outage where all users are affected – you must make us aware of any such critical situation by phone to avoid delays.

Issue LevelAcknowledgement TimeInitial Response TimeTarget Resolution Time
StandardWithin 8 hoursWithin 12 hoursIssue dependent
High PriorityWithin 5 core Hours8 core hours5 days
CriticalWithin 2 hours 3 hours24 hrs

The final designation of your Issue is determined by On Direct Business Services. You must use the above contact details to register your issue and use the phone service for Critical Issues.

Scheduled Service Outages

Scheduled service outages may be required for equipment service and maintenance operations. They can also originate from 3rd party carriers who are providing services to CLI SECURE.

Such outages will be scheduled well outside normal business hours. CLI SECURE will provide at least 1 business day notification of any planned service interruptions to all its customers.

CLI SECURE will notify all affected customers. It is the responsibility of the customer to keep their email address registered and up to date with CLI SECURE. In the event of emergency service interruption, CLI SECURE reserves the right to undertake the service interruption without notice. In such cases CLI SECURE will use its best efforts to notify the customers prior to any service interruption.

Service Up Time

Service up time is calculated as the percentage of time VoIP Telephony service is available to the Customer during the course of a year.

Service up time is calculated as following:

  • Service up time= Total hours for the period less unavailable hours/Total hours * 100
  • Where ‘Unavailable Hours’ is the total number of hours that the service is unavailable, except scheduled service outages;
  • Service up time is calculated for CLI SECURE infrastructure only.
  • CLI SECURE infrastructure does not include customer hardware or internet connections.
  • Target Service Availability: 99.9999%
  • CLI SECURE will use its best efforts to meet the service levels outlined above.
  • The calculated service availability will be updated on a regular basis.


Your continued use of services provided by CLI SECURE shall be deemed to demonstrate acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Service Level Agreement.


The services are provided as is without any warranty of any kind. Under no circumstances will CLI SECURE be liable for any damages.